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Category : Renewable and Alternative Energy
For the last 25 years, Energiekontor has stood for a sound approach to business and a wealth of experience in wind power. Formed in Bremerhaven in 1990, the company was one of the pioneers in the industry and is now one of the leading German project developers
ENERCON is developing two new types of converter for its 3 megawatt platform (EP3). E-126 EP3 and E-138 EP3 are designed for sites with moderate and low winds respectively, and are scheduled to go into production in late 2018 and late 2019. As well as promisin
Smart, efficient, high-performance – ENERCON’s new wind turbine from the 4 MW platform for sites with medium wind conditions.
“Energy storage coupled with solar is important to SOLON because, simply put, solar is what we do. And when we look forward at how to improve the value of solar, energy storage is part of that solution.“ Bill Richardson, Director of Research & Developm
As energy demand rises, grid penetrations increase and market dynamics change, energy producers and consumers are constantly looking for better ways to lower electricity costs and increase stability of their resources. Increasing demand and renewable energy pe
The Sunny Island and Sunny Central battery inverters enable the integration of storage systems into stand-alone systems as well as into transmission and distribution grids. For a self-sufficient power supply, an optimum integration of renewable energies and th
For all module types, for grid-connection and feeding into stand-alone grids, for small house systems and commercial systems in the Megawatt range and for utility-scale PV power plants up to the multimegawatt range.
DIAMOND WIRE SAW DW 291 is deÂsigned for slicÂing mono- and mulÂticrysÂtalline silÂiÂcon wafers for the phoÂtoÂvoltaic inÂdusÂtry. New DW 291 sets inÂdusÂtry stanÂdards for fastest wafer cutÂting times. DW 291 deÂlivÂers a comÂpreÂhenÂsive s
WIRE SAW FOR HARD AND BRITTLE MATERIALS Our deÂtailed techÂnolÂogy and process know-how can be transÂferred from silÂiÂcon to ceÂramÂics, glass or sapÂphire crysÂtals. Our deÂtailed techÂnolÂogy and process know-how can be transÂferred from silÂ
The professional substructure for ground-mounted photovoltaic systems based on tried and tested ramming technology – suitable for all types of modules.
Goldwind was the first company in China to develop and test a grid-connected prototype, and mass produce wind turbine towers using a hybrid steel and concrete design. This technology offers stable power generation, low power consumption, a low equipment fault
GW 6.XMW platform is based on the Permanent Magnet Direct-Drive (PMDD) technology. It is characterized by the four-in-one design concept that integrates complete units, tower foundations, transport and installation, and O&M, to ensure reliability throughou
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