Ad Details
Ad ID: 1244
Added: January 3, 2019
Phone: 020 7859 4669
Views: 1188
Much of the IT equipment that we recycle and refurbish will hold company and personal information. Data on personal devices may contain information such as bank details and contacts, while on corporate devices company-related data and in many cases confidential data will be stored. This information if compromised, may carry serious consequences as both business and individuals have a responsibility to protect against information theft and fraud.
At WEEE Technology, we take all the required measures to erase all data from the collected WEEE before reusing or recycling it. The Data Protection Act makes it a legal requirement to ensure appropriate measures are taken to prevent unauthorised access of personal data. Failure to adhere to the act can lead to prosecution with unlimited fines and possibly imprisonment. In addition, businesses place a high value on their corporate data as it will contain their IP (intellectual property) and falling into the wrong hands can be detrimental to their operations and even cause reputational damage.