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Ad ID: 1179
Added: January 2, 2019
Phone: +45 63 61 25 45
Views: 1247
The content of WEEE (electrical and electronic waste) gives recyclers various initiatives for recycling. It contains hazardous substances, such as lead, mercury or certain flame retardants, as well as precious metals like gold and silver. In 2012 approx. 64,900.000 ton electronic goods where produced and 49.000.000 ton electrical and electronic waste (WEEE) was generated. As the amount of sold electronic goods rise, the amount of WEEE rises. It is vital that this waste is taken care of properly.
In the WEEE Recycling Plants from Eldan Recycling the items mentioned in the EU WEEE Directive Annex 1B can be processed. Exceptions are Refrigerators/ Freezers, which instead are processed in Eldan refrigerator plants. We offer standard plants with capacities ranging from 800-7.000 kg/production hour. The standard plants are the starting point when systems are tailored to suit specific customer requirements – e.g. being able to process tyre, cable and WEEE in the same system or further reducing metal losses.
By processing electronic waste in an Eldan system, you will be able to retrieve e.g. various fraction of Ferrous and SS (Stainless Steel), various fraction of non-ferrous metals (Aluminium, Copper, Brass and Printed Circuit Boards (PCB’s)), refining material containing e.g. Copper, Brass, Zinc, Lead and Precious Metals (PM), organic fraction with e.g. plastic, rubber, wood, textile and dust.