DW 291
Category : Renewable and Alternative Energy
DIAMOND WIRE SAW DW 291 is deÂsigned for slicÂing mono- and mulÂticrysÂtalline silÂiÂcon wafers for the phoÂtoÂvoltaic inÂdusÂtry. New DW 291 sets inÂdusÂtry stanÂdards for fastest wafer cutÂting times. DW 291 deÂlivÂers a comÂpreÂhenÂsive s
DW288 Sapphire
Category : Renewable and Alternative Energy
WIRE SAW FOR HARD AND BRITTLE MATERIALS Our deÂtailed techÂnolÂogy and process know-how can be transÂferred from silÂiÂcon to ceÂramÂics, glass or sapÂphire crysÂtals. Our deÂtailed techÂnolÂogy and process know-how can be transÂferred from silÂ