Ad Details
Ad ID: 713
Added: August 17, 2018
Phone: 91 20 6900 0208
Views: 834
DW 291 is deÂsigned for slicÂing mono- and mulÂticrysÂtalline silÂiÂcon wafers for the phoÂtoÂvoltaic inÂdusÂtry.
New DW 291 sets inÂdusÂtry stanÂdards for fastest wafer cutÂting times. DW 291 deÂlivÂers a comÂpreÂhenÂsive set of inÂnoÂvaÂtions to furÂther inÂcrease wafer outÂput. The patented DiÂaÂmond Wire ManÂageÂment SysÂtem (DWMS) enÂsures a longer serÂvice life thanks to reÂsharpÂenÂing techÂnolÂogy and exÂtended windÂing feaÂture.
Longer web length as well as higher wire speed and acÂcelÂerÂaÂtion enÂable an inÂcreased throughÂput per maÂchine and year. Usage of ulÂtra-thin diÂaÂmond wire is posÂsiÂble as a reÂsult of opÂtiÂmized inÂerÂtia of movÂing parts, shorter wire path and DiÂaÂmond Wire ManÂageÂment SysÂtem (DWMS).